Friday, October 26, 2012

Mountain Bike Ride Packing List / Survival Kit

Whats In Your Hydration Bag?

No matter how much you prepare you will always need that one thing you forgot to pack in your bag. This posting will help you be a little more prepared the next time you find yourself in a bind. A great bike ride checklist or survival kit will vary depending on where you're riding and how far you plan to ride. Many factors need to be considered; weather, location, and distance, but we have put together a good general checklist for your average road cyclist and mountain biker.

The road cyclists checklist is shorter. As a general rule of thumb for an average road cyclist or commuter, these items should be carried.

Sette Air 2 Way Pump

Road/Commuter Ride Checklist

Absolutely need to have:
Water (hydration bag or water bottle)
ID and Insurance Card

Additional recommended items to carry:
Tire Lever (having two levers makes the tire change easier)
Tube Patch Kit
Multi-Tool w/Chain Tool (Topeak Alien II, Crank Bros, or Park Tool offer nice ones)
Adventure Medical Kit .3

Optional items to be carried:
Video Camera
Energy Bar or Food
Zip Ties
Leatherman or Gerber
Flashlight (or light mounted on your bike)
Basic First Aid Kit
Spare Links, Connector Pins,  Power Links

Let us know what we left off the list - we're sure that the committed road cyclist or commuter has one or two unique items they wouldn't ride without. As most road cyclists will have a seat bag to put all the gear into, a hydration pack may not be needed but very convenient to store items in and stay hydrated.

Camelbak Charge 100oz. Hydration Pack
I will do my best not to leave anything major out but like the Road checklist, the Mountain checklist will vary depending on weather, location, distance and how many riders are in the group. I know that if I go on a ride with a few buddies, (3 or more) without telling them I tend to leave the most common stuff (pump, multi-tool and light) as I know they will be carrying them and I will try to bring some oddball items and spare parts. Again as a general rule of thumb, I believe this is a good guide to follow for your basic mountain bike ride checklist.

Mountain / Trail Ride Checklist.

Absolutely need to have:
Water (hydration pack 50 oz. minimum)
ID and Insurance Card
Tube or Tubes
Multi-Tool w/Chain Tool (Topeak Alien II, Crank Bros, or Park Tool offer nice ones)
Tire Lever
Lighter or Fire Starter

SOL Core Lite Tool
Additional recommended items to carry:
Energy Bar or Food
Zip Ties
Leatherman or Gerber
Flashlight (or light mounted on your bike)
Basic First Aid Kit
Spare Links, Connector Pins, Power Links (for your chain)
Zip Ties
Toilet Paper (Never know when nature calls)
Cloth or Towel (for sweat, eye wear or cleaning your hands)
Map of Trails.
Tube Patch Kit

Optional items to be carried:
A couple feet of Duct Tape (just fold it around itself for a nice compact package)
Power Link for Chain
Video Camera
Windproof Jacket
Rear Derailleur Hanger
I can keep going and going depending on the trail and conditions but I will stop here.

Most of all these items will fit into a 70oz. or 100oz. hydration pack without being too heavy for the ride. Of course a full days ride checklist will be bigger than a 2 or 3 hour ride would be but that's where you need to decide the "what if situations." A saying I like to follow, "The person you should rely on most for your rescue is YOU!" So I hope this general checklist guide for road and mountain bikers helps out a bit. It took me a few rides to figure out exactly what I needed to carry and what I didn't as there is no right or wrong answer just some more prepared than others. I am also assuming you are riding with the basics: helmet, eye protection, gloves and riding shorts. One last thing to add if your state permits it, pack that heat, Springfield Armory XD 9mm 16+1 rounds of self defense ammo strapped and ready to go. I guess an extra clip wouldn't hurt, (well hurt me anyway).

So what is in my bag? Check it out below, I go over what I bring in my hydration pack and why. Tell me whats in your pack that is not in mine.


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    No flares? Matches? Lighter? What if you're alone on a remote trail? A flare of some sort of ignition source could save your life. Survival kit? FAILED!


  2. Thank you for your comment,
    We did mention under the "Absolutely need to have" section, to carry a lighter or fire starter. I do however think a flare is a great idea. As this is just a general checklist I don't think there is a "Pass" or "Fail" situation here just a guide to help prepare others on their rides. I do mention depending on the type of ride your going to be doing, the checklist will vary.

  3. I go by the same question but as I follow through the links below the video, I found all the help that I need. Thanks!


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