Markley has had nothing but great thing to say about his Sette carbon hardtail mountain bike. It has taken him all over the eastern United States, to much of Europe during the TransAlp race, and delivered him safely home again without ever giving any signs of wanting to stop. You can check out the latest versions of Sette's bikes available through Price Point.
Team Crank also uses a ton of Sette tools and clothing to make sure everything stays in top race-ready condition. If you take a close look at the image that accompanies this story, you'll see a set of Sette Epic Shoes that have been with him through it all. Super stiff-soled, durable, and with plenty of breathability, these shoes make a great choice for racing, commuting or touring.
So congratulations to Markley and to Team Crank for a great season. Stay tuned, for 2011 there are plans for conquering the Tour Divide Race, the most epic race in the US, and maybe the world... after all, it stretches from Banff, Alberta Canada all the way to Antelope Wells, New Mexico. This is a one-stage 2745 mile/4418 km race that is totally self -supported. What does that mean? It means you're on your own. No mechanics, no sag wagons, no feed stops. Woah. Not for the faint of heart.
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